Did you know that the average time on site of a top 10 Google result is three minutes and 10 seconds? This is why it’s so important that you have quality copywriting on your site to get customers to stick around.

We all want our website to have a great ranking on search engines but there are a lot of details involved in getting this ranking. One of the details that Google uses to rank pages is the users’ experience and this is why our copywriting is another important piece in our SEO planning.


But good copywriting isn’t JUST important for SEO. It needs to grab your customers attention and get them interested in your services and/or products. If your website info is uninformative or confusing, people are likely to leave your site soon after entering it. But if your content is useful and well laid-out, your visitors will be more likely to read the whole page. And as a bonus, the more that you create good user experiences, the better your ranking can get on search engines.

Some people spend their time and money on a great looking site but forget or disregard the importance of the content. But in doing this they may lose potential customers. If a person comes to your site and can’t find the info they are looking they are going to move on to the next site in there search, even if your site looks awesome.

If you need more help with your website copywriting or want to chat about any other website questions please send us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.